We are happy to come back with our second season after the long summer break. We would also like to start with looking back at our previous episodes where we talked about various topics from open-source and commercial GIS softwares to GIS teaching methods, uses of GIS during covid-19 and different GIS related researches in various fields. In our last season we have managed to reach out to 100 people for each episode from a diverse range of areas around the world. We are really grateful for all the listeners who have supported us throughout our journey and we hope that we can continue to develop ourselves and produce more interesting contents for our listeners.
Today with us we have the opportunity to introduce Margarita Oja who is a freshly graduate of geography from the University of Tartu. We would like to know what margarita is thinking about GIS in terms of education, research and profession.
Like usually, we also want to share some recent interesting articles on GIS, Geography or related fields with every episode so that you and we have the idea on what kind of research is going on:
Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Taylor & Francis Online | People’s global-scale cognitive map versus their personal characteristics: a worldwide study https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15230406.2020.1809524?af=R (subscription access)
Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, nature.com | Concepts for historical and geographical thinking in Sweden’s and Spain’s Primary Education curricula https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-020-00601-z/ (open access)
Dear listeners, this concludes our episode today. Like everywhere, please like, share and subscribe. We would also be happy if you have some feedback for us. See you in the next episode.
Margarita is an adventurous creative minimalist, who cares about the planet and turns thoughts into actions. This spring (2020) she finished her bachelors in geography at the University of Tartu. These three years of studying geography gave her a bigger picture of natural sciences, but also allowed her to focus on very specific and narrow topics.
Margarita believes studying geography gave her a strong base of knowledge to create change. She doesn’t only want to protect the environment, she wants to create a world where the environment doesn’t need protecting anymore.
Alex is a Distributed Spatial Systems Researcher with many years of international experience in geospatial data management and web- and cloud-based geoprocessing with a particular focus on land use, soils, hydrology, and water quality. His interests include OGC standards and web-services for location-based data sharing, modelling workflows, machine learning, and interactive geo-visualisation. Alex has been involved with SDIs and the OGC for a long time and was recently elected board member of the Estonian Geoinformatics Society (EstGIS) and European Co-Chair for the OGC University Domain Working Group. He is based at the Chair of Geoinformatics and Cartography at Department of Geography of the University of Tartu.
Tahmin Sitab is a masters student at the Geoinformatics for Urbanised society programme at University of Tartu. He did his bachelors in anthropology from Bangladesh. He is interested in the intersection of sociology and geography and almost every other topic. He firmly believes that you can love both a cat and a dog.