From todays episode we want to focus more on the the Chair of Human Geography and Regional Planning:
We start with an interview about Human Geography in general with Professor Tiit Tammaru, member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences and head of the Chair of Human Geography and Regional Planning.
We also want to share around 5 or more recent interesting articles on GIS with every episode so that you and we have the idea on what kind of research is going on in the field of GIS:
Earth Science Informatics, Springer | Implementation of a Data Management Quality Management Framework at the Marine Institute, Ireland (open access)
Water, MDPI | Water and Climate Change, Two Key Objectives in the Agenda 2030: Assessment of Climate Literacy Levels and Social Representations in Academics from Three Climate Contexts (open access)
IJGI - ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, MDPI | Visualisation of Spatial Data Uncertainty. A Case Study of a Database of Topographic Objects (open access)
IJGIS - International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Taylor & Francis | GIS: an introduction to mapping technologies (subscription needed)
IJGI - ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, MDPI | Strengthening Participation Using Interactive Planning Support Systems: A Systematic Review (open access)
IJGI - ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, MDPI | Conciliating Perspectives from Mapping Agencies and Web of Data on Successful European SDIs: Toward a European Geographic Knowledge Graph (open access)
IJGI - ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, MDPI | Spaces in Spatial Science and Urban Applications—State of the Art Review (open access)
Environmental Research Letters, IOP | Humans drive future water scarcity changes across all Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (open access)
ESSD - Earth System Science Data, Copernicus | A cultivated planet in 2010: 1. the global synergy cropland map (open access)
ESSD - Earth System Science Data, Copernicus | Earth transformed: detailed mapping of global human modification from 1990 to 2017 (open access)
Tiit is a professor of Urban and Population Geography and Head of the Centre for Migration and Urban Research at the Department of Geography at the University of Tartu, Estonia. He is a leading scholar on socio-economic and ethnic segregation, urban and neighborhood change, migration, residential mobility and housing. He is especially interested in understanding the spatial dimensions of urban poverty and migration, and associated spatial and social policy. His research interests include migration, residential mobility, housing, ethnic segregation across different life domains (family, neighbourhood of residence, workplace), relations between social inequalities and socioeconomic segregation, as well as comparative segregation studies.
Alex is a Distributed Spatial Systems Researcher with many years of international experience in geospatial data management and web- and cloud-based geoprocessing with a particular focus on land use, soils, hydrology, and water quality. His interests include OGC standards and web-services for location-based data sharing, modelling workflows, machine learning, and interactive geo-visualisation. Alex has been involved with SDIs and the OGC for a long time and was recently elected board member of the Estonian Geoinformatics Society (EstGIS) and European Co-Chair for the OGC University Domain Working Group. He is based at the Chair of Geoinformatics and Cartography at Department of Geography of the University of Tartu.
Tahmin Sitab is a masters student at the Geoinformatics for Urbanised society programme at University of Tartu. He did his bachelors in anthropology from Bangladesh. He is interested in the intersection of sociology and geography and almost every other topic. He firmly believes that you can love both a cat and a dog.